Pressures on the American lifestyle caused by...
Lower education standards producing more dolts
Money printed out of thin air (not gold-backed)
Inflated commodity prices from worthless money
World bankers fearing global economic meltdown
The money handlers having made their own bed
are producing the following symptoms...
Both spouses working to almost break even
Americans consuming more than they make
Squalor and crime following foreclosure waves
Iraq war veterans committing suicide in the US
and the resulting questions may include...
Is a global spiritual renaissance possible?
Has a spiritual renaissance already begun?
What might help to prevent a meltdown?
[The question is 'whom'...and the answer is Ron Paul]
Could the solution be to free Americans from burdensome shackles?
Restore American independence and sovereignty
Border security and immigration reform
Addressing debt and reducing taxes
Freedom in the maintenance of good health
Voting with dollars to improve secondary education
Protecting life and the liberty that follows
Preventing/eliminating invasions of privacy
Preserving property rights against government
Addressing the Social Security crisis head-on
Allowing law-abiding citizens to protect their domain
Follow the Constitution in matters foreign and domestic
Take action not sooner:
- Register as a Republican (even if reluctant) to vote for Ron Paul in your state's Primary Election
- Get involved with the closest Ron Paul Meetup group to your zip code
- Consider becoming a delegate in your county's GOP central committee
- Stay tuned to media outlets like YouTube, Daily Paul, Ron Paul Radio, Republic Broadcasting Network, RP Revolution Radio, GCN Live, & We The People Radio Network
Not sure what it means to be called a "Libertarian"?
Still not sure where you stand politically? Then take the quiz.
Just listen to Ron Paul's speech at the Iowa straw poll to get a very good snapshot of his platform:
So, the question is...
Here is a lesson an Austrian Economics lesson from "Dr. KNOW":
Participate in MSNBC's
Decision 2008 "heat map"
liberating Presidential candidate into the Oval Office!
1 comment:
This is a great challenge to get to know and get involved helping Ron Paul who doesn't even have a contender when it comes to the great things he stands for. He has a history that proves he is what he says he is. What a threat to those in power. We must vote for the man and protect him by showing him overwhelming support. That shouldn't be hard once people learn who he is.
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